A private laboratory specialized in the analysis, testing and failure analysis of materials since 1993
The Centre has been ISO 9001-certified since 1 October 2001. The ISO 9001 certification of the 6NAPSE Group allows all members of the Group to reveal the quality of our know-how and our skills. It proves that our organization establishes a customer culture and promotes innovation.
(see the official certificate)
ANALYSES ET SURFACE has COFRAC testing accreditation:
(Accreditation No. 1-1720 - Scope available on www.cofrac.fr
For Neutral salt spray corrosion tests according to the EN ISO 9227 standard.
For the sampling and characterization of foreign bodies (particles, fibers) by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with X-ray Microanalysis (SEM-EDX), stereoscopy and infrared microscopy (IRTF).
(see the official certificate)
The Centre is an approved CRT
(Technological Resource Centre) by the French Ministry of Research since 2005.
(see the official certificate)
Research tax credit
see the certificate CIR
Innovation tax credit
see the certificate CII